Associations, Non- Profit & NGOs
Amplify the public value of your policy proposals to government stakeholders.
Associations, nonprofits and non-governmental organizations (NGO) posses a unique power to improve society and create a brighter future for people and communities using their platform. Effective advocacy that includes data driven proposals tend to show positive public outcomes and gain the attention of policy makers.
The proof points your organization needs to demonstrate great public value.
Advocacy campaigns for Associations, Nonprofits and NGOs benefit enormously from data driven proof points. Data analytics compel policy makers to not only act on the general merits of the proposal but see that accompanying economic and social values line up in a quantitative way. Clearly demonstrate Public Value ROI (return on investment) of your proposal.
Bring the public value of your coalition policy proposals to life.
Environment & Sustainability
An association is recommending enhancement of regulations in an area that protects the public in a more significant and impactful way. Data analytics showsthe scope of social and economic impact of the proposal to policymakers based on local demographics and statistics.
Health Improvement
A coalition of non profit advocacy organizations lobby the legislator for increased funding for vulnerable communities. Data analytics shows what the current cost of care and socioeconomic impact to this community is and how a modest investment can have a dramatic return in reducing indirect costs borne by the public for this community.
Investment Promotion
A Chamber of Commerce wants to promote investments by businesses in various industrial zones of the city. Economic data on labor costs, cost of living, transportation infrastructure, utility costs, etc. are used to paint a picture to the legislature that further investments in infrastructure, thereby bridging key gaps, can make the area much more attractive.